(185-256 AH / 805-873 AD)
Abu Yusef Yaqoub ibn Ishaq Al-Kindi is the father of Islamic Philosophy. He
was also a
scientist of high caliber a gifted Mathematician,
astronomer, physician and a geographer as well as a talented musician.
Famous words:
"We ought not to be embarrassed of appreciating the truth and of
obtaining it wherever it comes from, even if it comes from races distant and
nations different from us. Nothing should be dearer to the seeker of truth
than the truth itself, and there is no deterioration of the truth, nor
belittling either of one who speaks it or conveys it."
Source Biography:
- al-Kindi
from from Ibn abi-Usiba's Tabaqat al-'itbia (Arabic html)
Supplementary Material:
- al-Kindi
from Muslim Heritage foundation. (link)
by Ahmed Fouad El-Ehwany. from History of Muslim
Philosophy. (E-text) in PDF format only.
- al-kindi by K. KENNEDY-DAY
- al-Kindi
from the Mathematics site at University of Saint Andrews, Scotland.(link)
His Works:
Works on al-Kindi:
- Books
- Al-Kindi : The philosopher of the Arabs.
G N Atiyeh (Karachi, 1966).
- Al-Kindi's Metaphysics. Albany:
State University of New York Press, 1974.
- Scientific weather forecasting in the middle
ages : the writings of Al-Kindi : studies, editions, and
translations / by Gerrit Bos and Charles Burnett.
London ; New York : Kegan Paul International ; New York (1997). ISBN:
- Oeuvres Philosophiques Et Scientifiques
D'Al-Kindi: L'Optique Et LA Catoptrique (Islamic Philosophy,
Theology and Science, Vol 29) by R. Rashed (Editor), Jean Jolivet
(Editor), Brill Academic Publishers; (1997) ISBN: 9004097813.
- Medical Formulary of Aqrabadhin of Al-Kindi
(Medieval Science Pubns, No 7) by Martin Levy. University of
Wisconsin Press; (1999) ASIN: 0299036006.
- Articles:
- T al-Tayeb, al-Kindi,
Cryptography, Code Breaking and Ciphers. (Muslim Heritage).
- What is philosophy according to
al-Kindi by M. Al-Allaf. (PDF)
- Theory of knowledge according to
al-Kindi by M. Al-Allaf. (PDF)
- Mathematical philosophy of al-Kindi by M. Al-Allaf. (PDF)
- Natural philosophy according to
al-Kindi by M. Al-Allaf. (PDF)
- Essence and Generation in the philosophy of
al-Kindi by M. Al-Allaf
- I Garro, al-Kindi and mathematical logic,
Internat. Logic Review No. 17-18 (1978), 145-149.
- I Garro, The paradox of the infinite by al-Kindi,
Journal of the History of Arabic Science 10 (1-2) (1994),
111-118, 143.
- A Ibraham, al-Kindi: The origins of
cryptology: The Arab Contributions, Cryptologia, vol. 16, no 2
(April 1992) pp. 97-126.
- M Moosa, Al-Kindi's role in the transmission
of Greek knowledge to the Arabs, J. Pakistan Historical Society
15 (1967), 3-18.
- R Rashed, al-Kindi's commentary on
Archimedes' The measurement of the circle, Arabic Sciences and
Philosophy 3 (1) (1993), 7-53.
- R Rashed, Le commentaire par al-Kindi de
l'Optique d'Euclide : un traité jusqu'ici inconnu, Arabic Sciences
and Philosophy 7 (1) (1997), 3, 5, 9-56.
- S M Stern, Notes on al-Kindi's treatise on
definitions, J. Royal Asiatic Society (1-2) (1959), 32-43.
- P Adamson, Before Essence and
Existence: al-Kindi's Conception of Being, Journal of the History of
Philosophy 40.3 (2002) 297-312.
Related Philosophers &
Muslim Scholars:
- Al-Farabi The second teacher after
- Ibn Sina
the Muslim philosopher who made philosophy famous.
- Al-Ghazali the Muslim theologian who refuted
al-Farabi and Ibn Sina.
- Ibn Rushd, one of
the Muslim philosophers that tried to return Islamic Philosophy to pure
- Ibn Taymiyah,
he had interesting opinions on philosophy . Site
Al-Kindi in popular culture:
- al-kindi square in Saudi Arabia. (link)
- al-Kindi Hospital in Iraq. (link)
Warning! Graphic picture of wounded!!
- al-Kindi Arabic music group. (link)
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