(Curriculum Vitae)
Dr. Mustafa Abu-Sway
E-Mail: abusway@planet.edu
Al-Quds University, 8 Nur Al-Din Street, Jerusalem, PO BOX 51000
Tel: 972-2-627 4979/80 Fax: 972-2-6277166
1988-93 Boston College (USA) Ph.D./ Philosophy
1984-85 Boston College: MA /Philosophy
1980-84 Bethlehem University: B.A.: English Literature
Diploma in Education
Doctoral Dissertation:
"The Development in Imam Al-Ghazzali’s Epistemology"
Directors: Dr. Patrick Byrne (Boston College)
Dr. Merlin Swarz (Boston University)
Academic Positions:
1996- Associate Professor/ College of Arts/ Al-Quds University/ Jerusalem
1995-96 Research Fellow/ International Institute for Islamic Thought and Civilization
1993-95 Assistant Professor /Department of Philosophy/ IIUM
1990-93 Teaching Fellow/ Department of Eastern and Slavic Languages/ Boston College
1989-93 Teaching Fellow/ Department of Philosophy/ Boston College
1985-88 Instructor/ Department of Humanities/ Bethlehem University
Honors and Awards:
2001 Winner of Science and Religion Course Award, The Center for Theology and the Natural Sciences, Berkeley, CA
Areas of Specialization:
Studies on Al-Ghazzali
Islamic Epistemology
Areas of Competence:
Islamic Studies
Modern and Contemporary Arabic/Islamic Thought
History of Philosophy
Arabic, English, Hebrew, Italian
Reading Skills: French and Spanish
Administrative Experience:
2000- Director, Islamic Research Center, Al-Quds University / Jerusalem
2000- Coordinator, MA Program in Contemporary Islamic Studies, Al-Quds University
1994-95 Head, Dept. of Philosophy, International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM)
1993-94 Acting Head, Dept. of philosophy (IIUM)
I. Books:
Studies in Islamic Epistemology: the Case of Al-Ghazzali; Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka: Kuala Lumpur, 1995 (English) (Cover photo)
Fatwa Al-Ghazzali (The Religious Rulings of Al-Ghazzali); ISTAC: Kuala Lumpur, 1996 (Arabic)
Islam in Focus, By Hammudah Abdulati. Revised and Edited by Shaykh Salih al Husayin and Dr. Mustafa Abu Sway; Amana Publications: Beltsville, Maryland, 1998.
Kitab Al-Tarbiyah Al-Islamiyyah (Islamic Education Textbook for Seventh Grade), co-author and coordinator (Palestinian Ministry of Education, 2001)
II. Articles:
“The Development in Al-Ghazzalis Epistemology”, Intellectual Discourse vol. 2, 1994, 167-176
“Al-Ghazzali’s Spiritual Crisis Reconsidered”, Al-Shajarah (ISTAC) vol. 1, 1996, 77-94
“Fiqh Al-Bi’ah fi Al-Islam” (The Jurisprudence of the Environment in Islam) published by Al-Najah University-Nablus, 1997.
“Al-Nurisi wa al-Sababiyyah” (Al-Nurisi on Causality) International Institute for Islamic Thought-Amman/ Jordan, 1997
“Al-Nursi on the People of the Book” (Istanbul Ilim Ve Kultur Vakf-Istanbul, 1999)
“Ibrahim in the Islamic Scriptures”, Abraham in the Three Monotheistic Faiths (PASSIA-Jerusalem, 1998)
“Towards an Islamic Jurisprudence of the Environment”, Islam: the Environment and Health (Islamic Medical Association of South Africa: Qualbert, 1999)
“An Islamic Perspective on the Palestinian Statehood” (The Palestine-Israel Journal for Politics, Economics and Culture, 1999)
“The Holy Land, Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa Mosque in the Islamic Sources”, Journal of the Central Conference of American Rabbis (CCAR) Fall 2000, 60-68
“The Image of the Other in Palestinian Islamic Education Books” (To be published by the Latin Patriarchate in Jerusalem )
“Towards a New Planetary: The Role of Religion from an
Islamic Perspective” (To be published by the International Jacques
Maritain Institute, Italy)
Conferences and Presentations (Partial List):
"Islamic Perspectives on the Arab-Israeli
The Episcopal Provincial Convocation Conference on the Middle East
Holyoke, MA (USA) Nov. 16-17, 1990
"Jesus Christ in Islamic Scripture"
Religious Awareness Week- North Eastern University Boston, MA (USA) May 17,
"Introduction to Islam" The Inter-Cultural
Training Resource Center of the Archdiocese of Boston.
MA (USA) Jan. 17, 1991
"Religion, Ethics and Homosexuality" - Panel Discussion- Clark University - Worcester, MA (USA) April 22, 1991
"Introduction to Islam"
Intensive Course Concurrent with the Finger Lakes Conference
Geneva, New York (USA) June 23-29, 1991
“The ‘Nation State’ and Islam”
26th Annual Conference of the Association of the American Muslim Social
Brockport, New York, Nov. 28-30, 1997
“Religion, Community and Conflict”
Armagh Conference Armagh, Ireland, Feb. 26-28, 1998
“On Knowing God in Islam” Convegno Internazionale /
Teismo: Storia E Teorsi
Pontifica Universita Lateranense & Pontifical Institute (Notre Dame of
Jerusalem Center) Jerusalem, Palestine, April 16-18, 1998
“Higher Education in Palestine: Challenges vs. Aspirations” Muslim Leaders’ Forum Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, August 15-25, 1998
“Nursi on the People of the Book”
Third International Conference on the Work of Nursi Istanbul, Turkey,
September 19-23, 1988
“Qaradawi on Islamic Medical Ethics”
Islamic Medical Association Conference
Durban, South Africa, April 2-5, 1999
“Islamic Spirituality” Otterbein College
Columbus, Ohio, USA, May 20, 1999
“Islamic Spirituality” University of Basel Basel, Switzerland, May 30, 1999
"The Evolution of Islamic Movements in the Arab World" Panel Discussion-Center for Strategic and International Studies - Washington, DC (USA) April 28th, 2000
"Woman's Rights in Islam: The Cultural vs. the Religious” Middle-Eastern Council of Churches, Amman, Jordan, 10-12 July, 2000
“Towards a New Planetary: The Role of Religion from an
Islamic Perspective”
Panel Discussion-Globalization, Cultures and Religions Instituto
Internazionale Jacques Maritain Venice and Treviso, Italy, 11-13 February,
"On the Role of Christian Pilgrims Towards the Holy
Land" (Italian)
Panel Discussion- Pelligrini a Gerusalemme, Portatori di Speranza e di Pace
Chiesa Locale, Pellegrinaggio e Traditio Fidei Opera Romana Pellegrinaggi
Rome, Italy, February 14th, 2001
“An Islamic Critique of the Oslo Process” The Israeli-Palestinian Peace Process: Lessons of Oslo Colgate University Hamilton, New York, March 22-24, 2001
“A Critique of the “Scientific” Exegesis of the
Qur’an” Science and Religion: Perspectives of Islamic Civilization
University of Malaya
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, September 2-5, 2001
“On the Validity of Al-Ghazzali’s Works as a Paradigm for Contemporary Islamic Thought” International Conference on Al-Ghazzali’s Legacy: Its Contemporary Relevance International Institute for Islamic Thought and Civilization (ISTAC) Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, October 24-27, 2001
Courses Taught (Selection):
Islamic Theology (English) Graduate
Readings in Islamic Theology (Arabic) Graduate
Philosophy: Al-Kindi to Ibn Rushd (English) Undergraduate
Al-Ghazzali’s Critique of Muslim Philosophy (English) Undergraduate
Readings in Al-Ghazzali (Arabic) Graduate
Modern Muslim Thinkers (Arabic&English) Undergraduate
Contemporary Islamic Thought (Arabic) Graduate
History of Western Philosophy (English) Undergraduate
Islam and the West (Arabic) Graduate
Islam and the Palestinian Issue (Arabic) Graduate
Islamic Epistemology (Arabic) Graduate
Introduction to Islam (Hebrew) Graduate
Islamic Medical Ethics (Arabic & English) Undergraduate
Societies (membership):
American Academy of Religion (2001- )
American Philosophical Association (1993-99)
Islamic Society of Boston - President (1990-92)
Muslim-Christian Council / Jerusalem (1998- 99)