The Translator's page
This is a list of those men who brought Greek thought into the Arabic Language. Note that most of these translator's were not of the Muslim faith. The page contains the links to the biography of each.
The Hall of Fame Listing:
Yahia b. Al-Bitriq
Al-Hajjaj B. Matar
‘Abd al-Mashi b. Na’imah of Emessa
Yuhana b. Masawaih
Hunain b. Ishaq. (biography)
Qusta b. Luqa of Ba’albeck
Ishaq bin Hunain
Abu bishr Mata b. Yunus
Abu Zakariyah Yahia b. Adi
Abu ‘Ali b. Zur’a
Thabit b. Qurrah of Harran the Sabaean
Sinan b. Thabit b. Qurrah
Hubish b. Hassan al-Asam
Aub uthaaman al-Dimashqi
Isa b. Zur’ah
Abu al-Khair Ibn al-Khammar
Page Last updated on 27-January-2003.
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Page created on 2-July-2001
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