The first two paragraphs, the contents of which correspond roughly to the last paragraph of the section, are not yet found in Bulaq, A, or E, and are also missing in D. They appear in the margin of C and in the text of B.


The exact meaning of the various words denoting different kinds of sewing is uncertain. Cf. also 3:355, below. The word translated here "cuts openings," appears as an adjective qualifying the long trousers (as-sarawil al-mufattahah at-tiwal) allegedly worn by certain Christian soldiers in the Sudan, in Ibn Hawqal, Opus Geographicum, ed. J. H. Kramers (Leiden, 1938-39), 1, 58, 1. 20.


Cf p. 317 (n. 19), above.


Hermes Trismegistos is occasionally identified with Idris in Arabic sources, as early, for instance, as Abu Ma'shar, Utuf, quoted by Sa'id al­Andalusi, Tabaqat al-umam, tr. R. Blachere, pp. 54 f.; al-Mas'udi, Muruj adh-dhahab, 1, 73; al-Mubashshir b. Fatik, Mukhtar al-hikam, chapter on Hermes; al-Qifti, Ta'rikh al-hukamd', p. 2.


Qur'an 15.86 (86); 36.81 (81).