Possibly ightirar, to be connected with gharar "risk." I'tizaz, as in A, "showing their strength, being arrogant," is perhaps not impossible. D reads i'tirdf. One might also think of ightirab "being exiled."


He died fighting Hammad in 406 [10161.


Cf. n. 6 to this chapter, above.


Cf. p. so5, below, and 'Ibar, VI, 163 ff.; de Slane (tr.), II, 29 ff. Bulaq has: "as we have mentioned," which might have been said in connection with the following example; see the next note.


Ibn Khaldun apparently refers to the period preceding the Haffid restoration under Abul-'Abbas, mentioned above, p. 93. Cf. 'Ibar, VI, 387, 392 ff.; de Slane (tr.), III, 91, 124 ff. But cf. also p. 304, below.