Cf. Issawi, pp. 118 f.


This seems to refer to the treatment meted out by Bedouins to valuable cushions that belonged to the Persian commander, Rustum. According to the legend, they poked at them with their lances, thus ripping them open. Cf. Ibn at-Tiqtaqa, Fakhri, tr. C. E. J. Whitting (London, 1947), p. 77. C and D do not read m-r-f-q, but m-r-q-q; still, Issawi's suggestion that we read muraqqaq and translate "loaves of bread . . . parchment" is implausible.

The story about the camphor also appears in Ibn at-Tigtaga, p. 79.


Cf. at-Tabari, Annales, III, 1081 ff.; al-Mas'Odi, Muruj adh-dhahab, VII, 66 f. However, Ibn Khaldun has many more details than at-Tabari and al­Mas'itdi provide. For some further references to this often quoted story, cf. Jurjis'Awwad's edition of ash-Shabushti, Diyarat (Baghdad, 1951), p. 101 (n. 3).


How these stories gained in the telling is illustrated by the fact that another source has rill (pounds) instead of mann here. Cf. al-Khatib al­Baghdidi, Ta'rikh Baghdad (Cairo, 1349/1931), VII, 321.


Cf. AN Nuwas, Diwan (Cairo, 1898), p. 243. The verse is also quoted by grammarians. Cf. al-Hariri, Durrat al-ghawwas, ed. H. Thorbecke (Leipzig, 1871), p. 46; Ibn Hisham, La Pluie de rosee, tr. A. Goguyer (Leiden, 1887), p. 374.


Ibn Khaldun apparently has in mind the palace of al-Ma'mun which, before him, had belonged to Jafar al-Barmaki, and after him to al-Hasan b. Sahl. Cf. G. Le Strange, Baghdad during the Abbasid Caliphate (Oxford, 1900), p. 246.


'Ali b, Bassam, d. 542 [1147/481. Cf. GAL, I, 339; Snppl., I, 579. Of the published portion of the Dhakhirah, one passage contains a long descrip­tion of a splendid festival on the occasion of the circumcision of al-Ma'mun's grandson. Ibn Bassam's source is Ibn Hayyan; cf. Dhakhirah (Cairo, 1358­/1939-), IV 1, 99 ff. The wedding, however, does not seem to occur in the volumes published. The relevant section of Ibn Hayyan is not preserved; cf. n. 18 to Ibn Khaldun's Introduction, above.


The earlier texts have "Turkish Mamelukes," but the word "Mamelukes" appears to have been crossed out in C and does not occur in D.


"And dynasties" appears in the margin of C and in the text of D. 99 Cf. Issawi, pp. 119 f.