The First World Congress


Shah Ni'Matullah Wali, His Life 

and His works

May 2002



Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman and the county of Kerman

Congres Secreterial office address

P. O. Box 16175-133

Kerman, Iran

Telephone: (0341) 267437 - Fax: 235081



Telephone: (0341) 235389 - Fax: 265389


Shah Ni'matullah Wali was a prolific thinker. Besides his Diwan, he has composed a diverse treatises in Arabic and Persian prose:

Makashifat (REvelations, Ta'rifiat (Definations), Istalihat Sufiya (Sufi Terminology), Mughatiut (The Qur'anic Symbolic Letters) Maritb al-Wujud (Categories of Existence) Nisbat al-Khirqa, Riyan i Nafs (Expressions of Self) Majan al-Asrar (The compendium of Mysteries), Qalb Awsaf (The Explorations  of Attributes) His mystical, exulted poetry includes a prophesying, which has been interpreted by others. 

A Call for Papers:

By Allah's graces The Shadhi Bahonar University of Kerman and the County of Kerman will host the First Congress on Shah Ni'matullah Wali and his works as tribute to Islamic-Iranian men of letters and Gnostics in Kerman in May 2002.

The Congress Board takes pleasure to invite all scholars, researchers, orientalists, etc. Iranian and Non-Iranian, to contribute papers to the congress.

Some suggested topics on Shah Ni'matullah's Biography and works:

1. His intellectual and Gnostic origins.

2. His historical, social, and political background.

3. The main development in his thought weltanschanung sharia and love.

4. Shah Ni'matullah and his contemporary Gnostic and doctors.

5. His impact upon others.

6. His impact upon Ibn Arabi, etc.

7. His impact upon folk cultures, Iranian and non-Iranian.

8. His debt to the Qur'an and Hadith.

9. His works compared and contrasted with his contemporaries.

10. Social customs and diverse character in his works.

11. Diverse genres and themes in his works.

12. His bibliography.

13. Shah Ni'matullah's code of morality and ethics.

14. Sufi Orders stemming from him.

15. His place of birth and life.

16. Gnostics and Gnosticism in his works.

17. Prophesying in his works.

18. The popular belief and his charisma.

19. The history and architecture characteristics of his tomb.

20. Shah Ni'matullah and orientalist.